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Contains AIND with Specializations projects

Implement a Planning Search


This project includes skeletons for the classes and functions needed to solve deterministic logistics planning problems for an Air Cargo transport system using a planning search agent. With progression search algorithms like those in the navigation problem from lecture, optimal plans for each problem will be computed. Unlike the navigation problem, there is no simple distance heuristic to aid the agent. Instead, you will implement domain-independent heuristics.

Progression air cargo search

Environment requirements

Project Details

Part 1 - Planning problems

READ: Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig text:

“Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach” 3rd edition chapter 10 or 2nd edition Chapter 11 on Planning, available on the AIMA book site sections:

GIVEN: classical PDDL problems

All problems are in the Air Cargo domain. They have the same action schema defined, but different initial states and goals.

TODO: Implement methods and functions in

TODO: Experiment and document metrics for non-heuristic planning solution searches

Why are we setting the problems up this way?

Progression planning problems can be solved with graph searches such as breadth-first, depth-first, and A*, where the nodes of the graph are “states” and edges are “actions”. A “state” is the logical conjunction of all boolean ground “fluents”, or state variables, that are possible for the problem using Propositional Logic. For example, we might have a problem to plan the transport of one cargo, C1, on a single available plane, P1, from one airport to another, SFO to JFK. state space In this simple example, there are five fluents, or state variables, which means our state space could be as large as 2to5. Note the following:

  • While the initial state defines every fluent explicitly, in this case mapped to TTFFF, the goal may be a set of states. Any state that is True for the fluent At(C1,JFK) meets the goal.
  • Even though PDDL uses variable to describe actions as “action schema”, these problems are not solved with First Order Logic. They are solved with Propositional logic and must therefore be defined with concrete (non-variable) actions and literal (non-variable) fluents in state descriptions.
  • The fluents here are mapped to a simple string representing the boolean value of each fluent in the system, e.g. TTFFTT…TTF. This will be the state representation in the AirCargoProblem class and is compatible with the Node and Problem classes, and the search methods in the AIMA library.

Part 2 - Domain-independent heuristics

READ: Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig text

“Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach” 3rd edition chapter 10 or 2nd edition Chapter 11 on Planning, available on the AIMA book site section:

TODO: Implement heuristic method in

TODO: Implement a Planning Graph with automatic heuristics in

TODO: Experiment and document: metrics of A* searches with these heuristics

Why a Planning Graph?

The planning graph is somewhat complex, but is useful in planning because it is a polynomial-size approximation of the exponential tree that represents all possible paths. The planning graph can be used to provide automated admissible heuristics for any domain. It can also be used as the first step in implementing GRAPHPLAN, a direct planning algorithm that you may wish to learn more about on your own (but we will not address it here).

Planning Graph example from the AIMA book Planning Graph

Part 3: Written Analysis

TODO: Include the following in your written analysis.

Examples and Testing:


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This process will create a zipfile in your top-level directory named This is the file that you should submit to the Udacity reviews system.

Improving Execution Time

The exercises in this project can take a long time to run (from several seconds to a several hours) depending on the heuristics and search algorithms you choose, as well as the efficiency of your own code. (You may want to stop and profile your code if runtimes stretch past a few minutes.) One option to improve execution time is to try installing and using pypy3 – a python JIT, which can accelerate execution time substantially. Using pypy is not required (and thus not officially supported) – an efficient solution to this project runs in very reasonable time on modest hardware – but working with pypy may allow students to explore more sophisticated problems than the examples included in the project.